Training and consultancy

Reproductive biology

The Department of Reproductive Biology in cooperation with the Department of Clinical Veterinary Medicine provides training in the following fields:

  • Insemination of cattle (2-week programme)
  • In-service insemination training using gender-selected semen (1-day session)

Ülle Jaakma
Phone: +372 731 3466

Animal feeding and nutrition

Researchers deliver  training on diverse topics, aimed at increasing the productivity of dairy cattle, improving milk quality and raising profitability and competitiveness of milk producers

Consulting and training  is provided in the following areas:

  • Assay and determination of the nutritional value of feeds
  • Formulation of rations for dairy cattle
  • Dietary advice

Consultation and training are administered on days in which classes are held and take the form of consultations in the EMÜ VMAS in Tartu, Kreutzwaldi 46.

Olav Kärt
Tel: +372 731 3401

In-service training programmes for field veterinarians

If you want to learn more about the in-service training programmes offered by EMÜ please visit the EMÜ Open University website.

The EMÜ Veterinary Clinic website news also provides information on training and research opportunities aimed at veterinarians.

For more extensive information about the training programmes, related to animal therapy for the upcoming quarter, please visit the For Veterinarians section of the Veterinary Clinic’s website.